§ 34-42. Prohibited for certain purposes.
§ 34-43. Parallel parking.
§ 34-44. Angle parking.
§ 34-45. Prohibited, limited or restricted parking generally.
§ 34-46. Parking limit for vehicles of one-ton capacity or more.
§ 34-47. Impoundment and sale of illegally parked vehicles.
§ 34-48. Parking zones established.
§ 34-49. Designation and marking of parking spaces.
§ 34-50. Method of parking.
§ 34-51. Time limit for parking.
§ 34-52. Owner responsible for illegal parking.
§ 34-53. Parking prohibited on certain streets.
§ 34-54. No stopping or parking near hazardous or congested places.
§ 34-55. Parking so as to obstruct street, prohibited.
§ 34-56. Parking prohibited during certain hours in designated places.
§ 34-57. Parking time limited in designated places.
§ 34-58. Parking for loading only.
§ 34-59. Bus stops and taxicab stands.
§ 34-60. Standing or parking close to curb.
§ 34-61. Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
§ 34-62. Compliance with signs.
§ 34-63. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places.
§ 34-64. Ten feet of alley to be left free for traffic.
§ 34-65. Parking prohibited in walkway areas.
§ 34-66. Parking near intersections.
§ 34-67. Unattended vehicles.
§ 34-68. Where drivers to stop for stop signs.
§ 34-69. Stopping in hazardous or congested places.
§ 34-70. Stopping school buses to receive or discharge passengers.
§ 34-71. Unlawful moving of vehicle to prohibited parking area.
§ 34-72. Parking citation authorized; disposition; amounts.
§ 34-73. Parking in medians.