§ 34-43. Parallel parking.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Except as otherwise provided, every vehicle parked upon a roadway, where there are adjacent curbs, shall be parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehicle parallel to and within 18 inches of the right-hand curb.


    On one-way streets, vehicles may be parked with the left-hand wheels parallel to and within 18 inches of the left-hand curb, unless signs or other markings prohibiting such parking have been erected pursuant to authority of the city council.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in violation of this section or for any person to move a parked vehicle away from the curb so as to be in violation of this section.

(Code 1964, § 23-89; Code 1980, § 22-43)

State law reference

Similar provisions and authority of city to permit left-hand parking, S.C. Code 1976, §§ 56-5-2550, 56-5-2560.